After a very long break from blogging, Grandma Van is back.


My grandchildren have moved from Oklahoma, USA to Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Add a PANDEMIC to the mix and I have two young grandchildren who must spend a great deal of time in a flat. So suddenly Grandma is back to mailing little books each week.

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared stories online, so I am going to go back to the very beginning and introduce my readers to our most popular character.


Pinka is a little pink owl figure that I purchased online about a year ago. My granddaughter Rowan has always loved to play with little figures, so when I saw an inexpensive set of owl figurines, I bought it.

I was SUPPOSED to get four different owls.

When the set arrived, instead of four different owls (as shown in the picture above) I got two of the little whitish-blue owls and two of the little brown owls.

So I painted two of them and brought them with me on a visit to Rowan and Malcolm’s house.

Because one of the little owls had been painted a very bright pink, Rowan named her “Pinka.”

A star was born.

Mavis, Owen, Brody, and Pinka

The other owls became Mavis (dark brown), Owen (original brown and minus an ear now that he has been dropped on the basement floor a number of times), and Brody.

So this is the original cast of characters. In my next post, I will start sharing some of our stories.

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